February 12, 2008

Why Does Re-Re Care?

I came across this article on People where Re-Re is complaining about Beyonce calling Tina "The Queen". An exact quote from the article:

"I am not sure of whose toes I may have stepped on or whose ego I may have bruised between the Grammy writers and Beyoncé, however I dismissed it as a cheap shot for controversy. In addition to that, I thank the Grammys and the voting academy for my 20th Grammy and love to Beyoncé anyway."

I mean...Really Aretha...Was this worth releasing a statement over? I like Beyonce and Tina but it's not like either one of them can hold a candle to your voice. So why would you give two poo-poos 'bout what they think of you? Maybe it's just that Beyonce idolizes Tina and was mentioning that TINA was HER queen? Or that Beyonce was just "reading" what was given to her with no questions asked? Basically, the LAST thing you need to be worried about is what they think and more so about your health boo-boo. You have CLEARLY fallen off of your diet. I love you to death Aretha, but I sure would hate to have bury you 'cause you can't put down the hot dogs.